Saturday, March 15, 2014

Wendy Comes to Visit...Day 5

Today is a special day...Dan comes to visit, too! but not till later.

We ate breakfast at home, then shopped at the farmer's market.  After bringing the groceries home, we took Titan for a walk from the bank to the parking garage and back, about 3 miles.  We hung out on the deck after lunch, then at 4:00 we jumped in the car and drove north to the Tampa airport to pick up Dan.  He was scheduled to arrive at 7:15 but ran a little late.  We got there early, parked on the roof and had time to watch the planes land and depart.  We even saw Dan's plane land!

On the way home, we stopped at Cracker Barrel for dinner and arrived home around 10:30.

No post is complete with a photo...
Thanks for stopping by...

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